ARE YOU GAME? explores matters related to self-representation and how society may be addicted to issues of image management in the digital age. Some individuals have become concerned about their looks and statuses, how they represent themselves within society to the point of obsession that, in some respects, results in a loss of identity. This loss of identity has given rise to a sense of ” a fake culture” within society and maybe seen to be perpetuated by the advancements of technology and what the media deems to be the ideal or perfection.
Some individuals have an urge to be seen as perfect, and this is reflected in what they choose to present to the world about themselves through technological platforms. This can become a game for some individuals, choosing to embody roles that are far removed from who they truly are, bring into question what is truly authentic.
ARE YOU GAME?, curated from the Art Bank of South Africa Contemporary Collection and the Oliewenhuis Art Museum’s Permanent Collection and by Art Museum Guides Anelisa Dondolo, Brian Jugar, Mamosa Lesenyeho, Puleng Rampone, Thamsanqa Malgas and Wethu Mokoena.