Exhibition: IN STRANGER TIMES: The ABSA 2021 New Acquisitions Exhibition
Venue: Oliewenhuis Art Museum, Bloemfontein
Opening: 17:00 on Thursday, 3 March 2022
Dates: 3 March 2022 – 8 May 2022
“Man cannot change or escape his time. The eye sees the present and the future.” – Salvador Dali.
The narrative thread to the upcoming Art Bank of South Africa (ArtbankSA) exhibition at the Oliewenhuis Art Museum on 3 March 2022, is the artistic reflection of our time. The seventy unique works selected from the hundred and thirty-eight artworks acquired by the ArtbankSA in 2021 reflect the artists visions and our society, embracing the everyday South Africa in a world in crisis. With the many threats to the future of humanity such a global pandemic, anthropogenic climate change, and the developments in technology, IN STRANGER TIMES explores what constitutes life; biophilic and human, the relationship between individuals and technologies, the connection between bodies and the earth.
As the world gingerly opens following a time of fear, it may be time to adjust our expectations. Emerging from a period of fear and loss these inspired expressions of identity, socio-economic conditions, socio-religious belief, heritage, and morality create the opportunity for dialogue about future possibilities to make the world better, seeking new conditions of existence.
ArtbankSA is a national programme of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture as part of the Mzansi Golden Economy (MGE) strategy implementation and is hosted by the National Museum Bloemfontein, an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. Its vision is to promote, foster and stimulate a vibrant market for the collection of South African contemporary visual art through the lease and sell of artworks to South African government departments, private companies and private individuals. Visit www.artbanksa.org for more information.
IN STRANGER TIMES: The Art Bank of South Africa 2021 New Acquisitions Exhibition can be viewed from 3 March 2022 until 8 May 2022 at Oliewenhuis Art Museum. The art museum is located at 16 Harry Smith Street, Bloemfontein and is open to the public from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays between 09:00 and 16:00. Entrance is free and secure parking is available for visitors. A ramp at the entrance of the main entrance provides access for wheel chairs, while a lift provides access to the Permanent Collection display areas on the first floor.
For more information please contact Oliewenhuis Art Museum on 051 011 0525 (ext 200) or oliewen@nasmus.co.za.
Oliewenhuis Art Museum
16 Harry Smith Street
T +27 (0) 51 011 0525 (ext 200), oliewen@nasmu.co.za
Visiting Hours
Mon to Fri 8:00 – 17:00
Sat 9:00 – 16:00
Sun & Public Holidays 9:00 – 16:00
Closed on Good Friday & Christmas Day
Oliewenhuis Art Museum is a satellite of the National Museum, Bloemfontein, an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.