CLOSED: ArtbankSA 2023 Annual Acquisitions Call-To-Artists

South African artists are invited to submit their contemporary artworks to be considered for acquisition by the Art Bank of South Africa (ArtbankSA). The ArtbankSA annually considers acquiring special art for its growing collection.


The selection criteria that all artworks must meet to qualify for acquisition are:

  • To be produced by a contemporary South African artist.
    • A South Africa citizen or
    • A permanent resident of South Africa
    • The artist may be living in South Africa or overseas as long as at least one of the above stated criteria are demonstrable.
    • Where the artwork is produced by an artist collective or collaboration, no less than fifty percent of the contributing artists must meet the criteria.
  • Artworks that are produced by established and emerging contemporary artists from urban, peri-urban and rural areas, represented by all the nine provinces of South Africa will be purchased.
  • Only artworks that are technically sound, resistant to deterioration and are easy to handle (not fragile) when being stored, installed, packaged and transported will be purchased.
  • Should an artwork meet the above-mentioned criteria, but lacks final finishing e.g., framing or mounting, the artwork will not be penalized to be purchased for the collection. Should the selection committee decide the work has potential, the ArtbankSA will provide funding for good quality framing, mounting or restoration.
  • The ArtbankSA will not purchase work which is a duplicate of work already in the collection.
  • No reproductions (except for editions up to 10) will be eligible for consideration.
  • No AI (Artificial Intelligence) produced work can be proposed.
  • Artists submitting work to the ArtbankSA should be aware that the artwork purchased by the ArtbankSA will be rented for display in government buildings, private companies, private homes and public spaces. The artwork is purchased to be used for lease or resale and as such commercial considerations will apply when purchasing work.
  • Permission for the use of images of the artwork in promotional and educational materials i.e., website, catalogues etc. is a condition of sale of artwork to the ArtbankSA.
  • Artists will be required to register on the Central Database System (CSD) and be SARS tax compliant. This is a mandatory requirement because as a programme of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture through its Mzansi Golden Economy strategy, the programme has to comply with the PFMA.


Submissions can be sent via email. Artists are required to meet the following criteria:

  • A completed submission form is required for each artist. The form is to be made available online on and requested from
  • Artists may submit a maximum of five artworks for consideration annually.
  • Artists must submit images with the submission form. Number of images per work:
    • For two-dimensional works, artists must submit one image.
    • For three-dimensional works, artists must submit two images, including views of the artwork from different angles and/or a detail.
  • Descriptive details of each work must be submitted including the title, date, medium, dimensions and price. Considerations when documenting the artwork should include colour balance, composition, reflections from glass and the scale of work (particularly in the case of sculpture).
  • Artists must include a C.V. (maximum three pages) with their submission, along with a 250-word artist’s statement.
  • The requested price for artworks should reflect the current market value of the artwork. Higher than market value prices may not be considered for purchase by the Acquisition Committee.
  • Artists will be required to register on the Central Database System (CSD) and be SARS tax compliant. This is a mandatory requirement because as a programme of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture through its Mzansi Golden Economy strategy, the programme has to comply with the PFMA.
  • Each work of art must not exceed R60 000 including VAT.

The decision of the Acquisitions Committee will be final and ONLY successful applicants will be contacted about collection and couriering of artwork to the exhibition venue in due course.

Non-adherence to the above criteria will result in the application becoming disqualified. Only original, ready for purchase, artwork will be considered.

Closing Date

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday, 14 July 2023. All completed submissions must be emailed to and


For more information visit the ArtbankSA website

Queries must be submitted in writing to the

Read the National Museum POPI Act Policy