Invitation To Visual Artists to Become a Mentor

Experienced visual artists are invited to work with entry and emerging artists appointed under the PESP3 Art Creating Programme as mentors, helping them to improve their art making skills and gain confidence for a period up to four (4) months.


The Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP3) 2022 Mentorship Programme is government initiative supported by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, implemented by the National Museum, and coordinated by the Art Bank of South Africa, with the aim to reactivate the sector into the right path of the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan (ERRP) post the COVID-19 pandemic.


Artists to be selected for the Mentorship Programme will be categorized into two categories:

Category B Qualification guide:

  • Postgraduates’ artists and/ or artists with at least 10 years’ experience as a productive studio artist can enter this category.
  • Artists who have had 2 or more solo exhibitions at an art gallery/art museum involving more than 10 works.
  • Artists that have participated in between 10 and 20 group exhibitions at reputable galleries/institution. This includes participating as an art competition finalist.
  • Having received a significant national or international award will be advantageous to qualify for this category.

Monthly stipend for artists: R7 500 (for a maximum period of four months)

Category C Qualification guide:

  • Postgraduate artists and/ or artists with more than 15 years’ experience as a productive studio artist can enter this category.
  • Artists who have had at least 5 or more solo exhibitions at an art gallery/ art museum involving more than 10 works.
  • Artists that have participated in more than 20 group exhibitions, nationally and internationally. This includes participating as an art competition finalist.
  • Having received a significant national or international award will be advantageous to qualify for this category

Monthly stipend for artists: R10 000 (for a maximum period of four months)


Artists will be required to provide monthly reports using a template to be provided.


  • A completed application form is required. Submission forms can be found on the Art Bank of South Africa website
  • Submit a CV, please indicate which province and district you live and work in.
  • Must include an artist statement and brief profile
  • Certified ID copy
  • Account details confirmed by a stamped bank letter
  • Be willing to enter into a written Agreement.
  • Applicants must be registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD) and be SARS tax compliant. This is a mandatory requirement because as a programme of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture through its Msanzi Golden Economy strategy, the programme must comply with the PMFA is a requirement.


The deadline for applications is 12pm on Friday, 23 September 2022. All completed applications must be emailed to and